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Skin Hacks




5 ways to help prevent acne

1. Change your pillowcase every other day, as pillowcases can house dirt and oil that can get into your pores as you sleep, leading to breakouts.

2. Clean your cellphone case every week – it rests on your face (a lot) and can cause breakouts. Try setting a calendar reminder on your phone to jog your memory.

3. Wash your makeup brushes weekly. If you don’t have makeup brush cleaner, you can use Facial Wash to clean your brushes instead.

4. Drying out your skin can actually cause more zits, not less. Try limiting hot showers to 5 minutes per day. Too much time in hot water and steam can strip away your skin’s oily layer, and cause it to lose moisture.

5. To effectively treat breakouts, make sure you’re using the right combination of products, including a moisturizer. The Acne Control Regimen is a hand-picked selection of products that effectively target the main cause of acne, clear the pores of bacteria and reduce inflammation. 💝BONUS: Keep your hands off of your face. The added dirt and bacteria from your hands can lead to more pimples. 💝 

A detox facial may be exactly what you are in need of! Book your Teen Clean/Acne Facial today and start working on the overall health of your skin.



We all need sleep. consumers are "Googling" sleep, getting prescription for it and spending more money than ever before trying to get it. Here are 10 things you need to know about sleep.

1. Bedtime.

A healthy adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep. You'll know your number when you wake up feeling refreshed without caffeine or other stimulants.

2. Resting.

Sleep more than nine hours or lying in bed when you cannot sleep may cause you to feel lethargic.

3. Mattress.

Mattress companies will tell you that your mattress matters, and it should be replaced every 8-10 years. Take some time and go test out different mattress at a mattress store and see how they makes you feel.

4. Decompression.

An hour before you go to sleep take time to decompress from work, social medial, and other stress triggers.

5. Bathing.

Taking a soak in a warm bath or shower can relieve stress and wash away the pollution of the day. Bathing before bed is also good for those suffering from allergies. add an extra treat for yourself by lighting a candle or two.

6. No screens.

Your bed is for sleeping and sex. Avoid TV, computer time, work emails and tense conversations. It's confusing for your mind and body to relax in an environment that is stressful. Avoid using your phone to check social media while in bed.

7. Brain benefits.

Your brain need sleep to recharge and make proper decisions. Your emotional state will also be stabilized when you are well rested.

8. Natural aids.

Chamomile tea with a spoonful of honey can help calm the body for sleep. Valerian and Melatonin can be taken without resulting in a habit. ALWAYS consult your doctor before starting a new herbal remedy!

9. Essential oils.

Rub lavender on the bottom of your feet and diffuse a mix of chamomile, clary sage, copaiba, lavender, Peru balsam, sandalwood, sweet marjoram and ylang ylang to create a blend for relaxation and sleep.

10. Food.

Going to bed after a large meal is hard on the digestive system and will result in restless sleep. on the flip side, eating foods high in tryptophan(Almonds, walnuts and dairy) before bed can help the body produce melatonin. A  glass of  cherry juice has also been found to aid sleep.


Summer Skin Prep

Book your Summer Facial today! by Visiting my booking page: ww.LuxuryLotusSpa.Setmore.com

Call/Text: 813-701-4541
As the weather slowly starts to heat up, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about prepping your skin for the warmer summer months before the season is in full swing. By preparing the skin appropriately, you’ll do wonders to avoid some summer damage from more time spent in the sun, including dark spots and sunburn.
Professional treatments that feature masks and other peel alternatives are great during the summertime. Enzyme masks, such as pumpkin or papaya, work to dissolve skin cells on the surface of the skin and regulate oil production, keeping the pores clear of debris. Antioxidant treatments are another good option – they help give the skin a much-needed boost of antioxidants that can help protect the skin from UV damage during the months where UV exposure is at its peak.
If you regularly get chemical peels, consider scheduling a chemical peel and ask your PCA Certified Professional how to keep the skin cool after a treatment during the summer months.
Daily care products that have powerful antioxidants will keep the skin protected and healthy throughout the summer. Start early, incorporating ingredients like vitamins C and E before the summer hits to allow your skin to get used to these ingredients. You’ll go into summer with strong, healthy skin, preemptively preventing damage. Continued use of your antioxidants products every morning throughout the summer — and the rest of the year! — will give your skin an extra boost of UV protection and prevent skin damage.
Make sure to apply a broad spectrum SPF of at least 30 every day and stock up on your favorite SPF product if you’re going on vacation so you don’t run out. Sheer Tint Broad Spectrum SPF 45 is a great go-to sunscreen for summer months. Water resistant and with a universal tint, this favorite can be worn under makeup or solo, whether you’re hiking, swimming or out with friends.
Aside from sunscreen, there are other important forms of sun protection. Wide-brimmed hats can help prevent UV rays from hitting your face so you can avoid sunburn and, most importantly, sun damage like dark spots and premature aging. Avoiding being in direct sunlight during peak hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) is also essential in avoiding those harmful UV rays.

Related Products

Soothe, hydrate and protect skin in the days after a professional treatment. Improve treatment results with this strategically selected collection of products $34

Active Broad Spectrum SPF 45:Water Resistant

Providing water-resistant, UVA/UVB protection, this light SPF is perfect for outdoor activity. Added antioxidants increase protection from free-radical damage.$34

Hydrator Plus Broad Spectrum SPF 30

Protect aging skin against UVA and UVB rays with our most hydrating sunscreen. Added antioxidants increase protection from free-radical damage.$34

Perfecting Protection Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Sunscreen

Defend from UVA/UVB rays with this sheer SPF that has five discoloration-fighting ingredients. Added antioxidants increase protection from free-radical damage.$34

Protecting Hydrator Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Sunscreen

Protect your skin against UVA and UVB rays with this non-oily daily hydrator with SPF. Added antioxidants increase protection from free-radical damage.$34



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